Alumni Spotlight Podcast: Sean Choi (MFin'20)
Tune in for Episode#4 of the QUAAF Spotlight Sessions. This week's topic is "Persistence Matters" featuring Sean Sungho Choi, MFin, MBA,...
Alumni Spotlight Podcast: Sean Choi (MFin'20)
Alumni Spotlight: A.J. Patel (MFin'16)
Alumni Spotlight: Jonathan Lijtszain (MBA’17)
Alumni Spotlight Podcast: Will McIsaac (MBA/MFin'18)
Alumni Spotlight: Hamilton Petropoulos (JD/MBA'17)
Alumni Spotlight: Peter Szaflarski (MBA'12)
Alumni Spotlight: David Yao (MBA'12)
Alumni Spotlight: Parisa Naghibi (MBA'12)
Alumni Spotlight: Mark Murray (MFin'19)
Alumni Spotlight: Julius Nyarko (MFin'17)
Alumni Spotlight: Timothy Keeling (MBA'15)
Alumni Spotlight: Alex Yi (MBA'19)
Alumni Spotlight: Bert Chen (MBA'18)